Monday, April 1, 2013

Life is sweet.

Have you done something with your hair? Lost weight? Been on vacation? You look rested! Something is different about you........These are the things people say to me now. I had quickly forgotten what a process "getting ready" can be. Taylor has a fuzzy blond halo of hair, and doesn't seem to mind my hair anymore. I haven't lost much weight, just took off my comfy yoga pants and started getting "dressed" again. I do feel like I have been on vacation, a vacation from chemo, and gosh it's wonderful. I sleep much better now. I don't wake up crying in the night anymore. I don't pace the house worrying. I don't wake up and work compulsively because  I don't know what else to do. I sleep until my little Max wakes me... it's always before the sun comes up, God love him. Our days go by so fast's amazing. I found myself motioning for my family to watch Taylor eat on Easter. She raced through the house with her cousins, squealing, and chattering with delight. I didn't leave my parent's house with that old familiar lump in my throat, with that gloom of treatment hanging over my head. I didn't see the pain in my family members faces when they looked at Taylor yesterday. I saw relief, joy, and hope. I think about what our families and friends have been through, and it breaks my heart and makes me so thankful at the same time. She is your girl too. You love her too. And when people ask me how I could have praised God through this nightmare, I am reminded that He loves her most. This hurt Him far more than it hurt me. Unimaginable but true. Life is sweet. 


  1. Beautiful Post from the most Beautiful person I know, inside and out.

  2. Reading this brought me tears of joy! Look how adorable those kiddos are too, so sweet xoxo

  3. Incredibly beautiful the last part. Amazing perspective, Brooke!
