Monday, June 11, 2012

Go time..

Today a cashier eyed my two bald beauties, " Twins?" Me, "No, two and ten months." Cashier, "Well, which is the oldest?" (Ouch) I reply, "My daughter."  The cashier eyes her mask and asks, "Allergies?" Me, "No, cancer." I felt that familiar knot form in my throat, tears burning behind my eyes, and a sea of hurt wash over my heart. He didn't respond, I finally looked up to meet his eyes, and they were full of tears. His 70ish year old spotted hand was over his mouth. I didn't know what to say, so I grabbed our bags and wheeled my little loves to the car. Thank goodness for sunglasses. I pulled them over my eyes, turned the Elmo movie up, and cried the whole way home.

We begin radiation and a 5 weeks of isolation tomorrow. I was trying to grab a few crafts, gifts, bribes.... to help pass the time. I went to the store as soon as it opened, trying to avoid people, germs...ect. I shouldn't be shocked that the cashiers words hurt me so much, we are not even half way done. Shoot... I must have needed to get that last bit of sadness out, because now it's go time. I need to be a happy, brave, mommy who is able to lead my little love through this. This isn't my time to break down. So I am done with all that, focused,  with my eye on the prize. I want my little Tay Tay to complete the 5 weeks, ring the bell, and never look back. I began preparing her today, "Do you remember Dr. B?" (Oncology Radiology Doc) "Would you like to have another picnic in Bloomington?" And so it begins...


  1. Hello Brooke,

    I saw your blog posted on Facebook, by a mutual friend Dorrie Schoeny McCarthy. I had to come check it out, because we know your pain. My niece Kate at 2-3/4, was diagnosed with Stage 4 Neuroblastoma (a cancer of the nervous system) just this past January. She's has had 5 rounds of chemo and surgery so far... but has another year of fighting ahead of her. She is SO strong, and SUCH a hero to everyone around her, just as I know Taylor is to you all.

    I know it's been very helpful for my sister to talk with others in a somewhat similar situation, so I wanted to reach out to give you that opportunity. Here is her Carepage:

    You have to log in to see it, but it's just your e-mail. We can also both be found on Facebook: Tina Haithcoat Harris and Lisa Haithcoat Koslovsky.

    I will be checking in on your blog, Parying for Taylor, and wishing you all the best things in the world,
    Tina Harris

    1. Thank you so much for reaching out to me Tina. I appreciate it so much! Hugs!
