Sunday, June 24, 2012


Truth, cancer sucks. I hate that so rude, but then again, so is cancer. Cancer rudely disrupted my two year old daughter's life...and all those who adore her. It has wrapped its claws around us, and every day we fight to break her free of this rude disease. This past week of radiation was absolute hell, and this coming week will be worse. Late appointments every day....(fasting + sick toddler = torture)......and 8-10 hours of chemo, plus radiation on Thursday. I'm so tired. 

On Friday, going on 18 hours of no food or drink for Tay, an adorable 6 year old girl came into the kid's playroom where we were waiting. "Does she have cancer too?" asked this bald little beauty. I told her she did. "Where is it? Mine is in my stomach, I got it from daycare." My heart cracked, and instantly I adored her. I told her that Taylor's was too. Her beautiful eyes lit up, "Is it a Rhabdomyoscarcoma?!!!" she squealed. She and Tay both have sarcomas, their bond was instant. This little girl has a fire to her, a sparkle, a spunk..... she is nowhere near done on this earth. Taylor was enamoured by her, and I can't think of a better role model than this brave little fighter. Later, I watched the bald little beauty's mom carry her out to their car, she was motionless, sad, with her arms wrapped tightly around her. I felt so much respect for her mom, as she gave me a half smile and headed home for the day. I know how that feels. It sucks. (Ick, hate that word).

Truth, this week is going to come and go, like it or not. My little love is going to go through hell, and so are Chris and I, but I am making a decision to fight through it. I am making a decision to have fun every single day, and end things on a good note damnit (hehe, sorry). I can do this. We can do this. She can do this.

1 comment:

  1. Love you Brooke. Praying and lifting you up daily. Xxoo
