Saturday, December 1, 2012

Burdens into Blessings..

"Mommy! Take it off, please take it off", my little one whimpered. I dropped to my knees in the middle of the pre-school hallway and pulled her mask off. I wrapped my arms around her. "I'm so sorry Tay." I whispered to her. I couldn't think of the right words to explain why kids were teasing her. I hate it. I hate this part of it. I wished the other mom would have dropped to her knees too and had a teaching moment with her child. "Mommy are you crying because I'm crying?" she asked me. I explained that when she hurts, I hurt, and that is a part of being a mommy. She said, "Well, I'm happy again, so you be happy too." I love her. I learn from her every day. It's moments like that I have fleeting thoughts that maybe she is beyond this earth, and I say a million tiny prayers that she won't ever be taken from me. The rest of our day was spent with our fingers intertwined, winking to each other in the rear view mirror, dancing around the kitchen to our favorite songs until it was time to pick her brother back up at school. She bravely walked back in, mask and all, down the long hall to get Max.He saw her, and his face lit up. I love that face. She wrapped her little arms around him. He accepts her exactly as she is, mask and all. I know all this makes us better, stronger people. It has cleansed my life, and let me let go of all things that don't matter. I know my children will be better people because of all of it, but that doesn't make it hurt any less in the moment. Later that same day Taylor asked, "Mommy, did you tell Max that kids were laughing at me?" I shook my head no, and she giggled, "Thanks!"  Of course I know kids will be kids. Feelings will be hurt, and hearts will be broken, but I hope that I teach my kids better than to make fun of those who are different. This journey changed us. We are not the same people thank goodness. We are stronger, wiser, and our hearts are softer. What an incredible blessing.

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