Wednesday, March 14, 2012

At the end of the day....

I am so proud of Chris, proud of my little girl, and a little proud of myself...hehe. We made it through another very difficult day. I can't say I did it with as much grace as I would have liked.... but its over.Taylor's port access was clogged, so they needed to remove it and reinstall one.....while she was awake. It was terrifying, traumatizing, and we are praying that the worst is over. It better be because I already promised her a swing set and a fish tank, and I am running out of ideas! Taylor slept through her first chemo treatment, and we are praying that her side effects are minimal. I know our nurse felt terrible...nothing was her fault, but everything seemed to be going wrong. At the end of her shift I hugged her, and we both cried. Such an amazing staff here.
I was very anxious about sharing a room. I was actually worried sick over it..... I was worried about privacy and maybe not so nice parents...but we ended up with a 4 year old pistol! He is actually pretty amazing, and I am half tempted to take him home with us. He has chatted with Chris non stop, stole several of Taylor's toys, harassed the nurses all day long, and demonstrated how he uses his urinal for Chris! Hilarious! But this little show horse is here is heartbreaking. I hear his little pole rolling across the floor, and see his sweet little bald head peak around the curtain, and I know he just wants to be with us. Chris has stayed within eye sight of him most the day, and it warms my heart and reminds me why I married him. Taylor is resting quietly in her pjs, and her adorable neighbor continues to chat with us. And rather than a simple "goodnight," the last thing we heard from the other side of the curtain was "Does the mom snore?". What a sweet little distraction he turned out to be. Please add him to your prayers as well.

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